23. 01. 2019
2 minuty čtení
We will accept applications for grants for the Open Gate eight-year grammar school again until 1 March this year. We provide social grants, for which future students or their legal representatives may apply, intended for academically gifted children with difficult social backgrounds. Both students entering the prima (first year) at Open Gate and students coming to higher years of Open Gate from other secondary schools can obtain a grant for tuition fees.
Who can apply for grants and how do they apply?
Completed grant applications including all attachments should be sent to the Foundation’s address, and the applications for studies should be addressed directly to Open Gate. The Board of Trustees of The Kellner Family Foundation makes the decisions regarding the allocation of the grant and its amount. The allocation of the grant is subject to the student having passed the admission test and being admitted to the school.
Amount of the grant
The Board of Trustees of the Foundation assesses this individually for each child. The amount depends on the income and the financial status of where the student is coming from. Some will obtain the grant in the full amount of the tuition fee that will cover the full cost of the studies from textbooks and teaching aids to accommodation, meals, school uniforms, school trips home and abroad, exchange stays, hobby clubs, health and psychological care, washing of clothes, access to the library, use of the swimming pool and other options on the premises of the campus. In other cases, the Foundation will allocate a lower grant to students to cover a proportion of the costs.
The objective is to provide access to quality education to talented children without them being hindered by their social background. Over the course of the school’s existence, the Foundation has contributed to tuition fees for a total of 329 students whose parents or foster parents could not afford to bear the full cost associated with their studies. For this school year, we allocated social grants to a total of 96 students including children growing up in children’s shelters and foster families as well as children from both incomplete and complete families from all regions of the Czech Republic.