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Tereza Vildová

Our grant holder 2010 – 2013

High school

Open Gate


University of Brighton

Field of study

Economics and Finance

Open Gate graduate in 2010

I come from Prague, where I went to an elementary school prior to coming the Open Gate eight-year grammar school. At that time, my life was all athletics, which I did on a competitive level, and lessons where I would meet worn-out students and frequently bored teachers. Which is why the idea that I could study in an environment such as Open Gate made me enthusiastic as nothing else did. There, I engaged in entirely new activities and gradually found what I really like and what I would love to do one day – economics. I must not omit noting that Educa Foundation gave me the opportunity to become an Open Gate student, and I am very grateful for it.

In my last year at Open Gate, I studied hard, prepared myself for final exams, and sent applications to universities. All that work paid off in the end and I graduated with the best possible results, found a message confirming my admission to the University of Brighton in my e-mail box, and obtained Educa Foundation’s financial support, without which I could never afford studies abroad.


OPEN GATE eight-year grammar school, Czech Republic, graduated in 2010


University of Brighton, UK, started in 2010


For now, complete the university successfully.


Friends, reading, film, dancing, sports (swimming, volleyball)

My articles and what has been written about me

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