Gymnázium Jana Palacha, Mělník
The University of Warwick, Cardiff University
Food, space and society
I grew up in the town at the confluence of our country’s two largest rivers, in Mělník. I went to the local eight-year secondary school. The range of my extracurricular activities expanded as I went. I went to the Prague Student Summit in my sixth year, where I met young people of similar focus and thinking, and it expanded my horizons not only in terms of international relations. I participated in the Summit for the remaining two years as well.
Among other things, I volunteered at the Forum 2000 conference, organized the One World film festival run by People In Need in Mělník, and now I’m active in the pan-European “Be In” campaign aimed to promote the Youth in Action program among young people.
I successfully graduated from secondary school with straight A’s in 2011, and this helped me in admission to The University of Warwick in the UK. I had dreamed of going to study to the UK since my fourth year, but at the time I thought this was impracticable. But I moved step by step towards my dream, everything went well, and I’m flying to study in England in September. I am grateful to THE KELLNER FAMILY FOUNDATION for a great part of the fact that my dream has come true.
Jan Palach Eight-Year Grammar School in Mělník, graduated in 2011
The University of Warwick, UK, started in 2011
Cardiff University, UK
Successfully graduate from university in the UK, be involved in many student societies at university, be involved in non-profit organizations (Czech or British), study towards a Master’s degree in the US, find a job that I will enjoy…
Travelling, music (I play the bass guitar), friends, exhibits, bike riding, running