Be the change you want to see

Buddha once said “we are what we think”.

Thus if we think that we have a lot of things to do and we cannot manage them in the time span we have available, then it will be reflected in our performance and we might get stressed and anxious. Instead, if we choose to see things in a positive light, in the sense that we will somehow manage all the work we have to do, then we will actually do so. Such attitude helps me to deal with the current situation of work load such as writing essays and dissertation, seminar preparation, applications for MA, work in the Arts Centre as well as regular yoga exercise and meeting friends. However, positive thinking is not always an easy thing to do and it requires a practice as our mind is used to a negative set of thinking.

Therefore, everyday in the morning I do 20 minutes of meditation followed by about the same time of yoga. Because I want to share the benefits of these two practices with as many people as possible, I created a meditation group on campus. We meet regularly once a week and meditate half an hour. Then we share our experiences and tips for different types of meditation. This is opened both to new and experienced students with meditation. Group meditation might be better for some people than to meditate alone because of two reasons. Firstly, the meditation effect is stronger in the group because more positive energy is created. Secondly, it can be a motivation for some if they cannot start on their own.

What are exactly the benefits of meditation? It’s about calming the mind which in our busy lives is constantly working. We are continuously thinking about what we have to do or what would happen if... This also means that we’re not living in the present moment. However, meditation as well as yoga helps us to bring attention to the present moment, to become aware of our feelings, accept them and in the same time distance ourselves from these thoughts. It’s not easy. In addition, if more people practice mindfulness, we can create a much more peaceful world.

Furthermore, I am in the Yoga Society Exec as a social secretary and I promote yoga and make it accessible to as many students as possible. Apart from yoga classes four times a week, we organize Saturday Yoga Brunches which is an hour of yoga class followed by a nice vegetarian refreshments.

To conclude, I would like to say that I’m very happy to be back at Warwick after a year in Madrid. The life here is not as ‘easy-going’ and full of sun and siestas as in Spain though. Nevertheless, I love Warwick because of its great student environment, full of student activities and high-quality lectures. It’s also great that whatever one decides to do, it’s possible to make it happen here. Not only because of these reasons I like this university.

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