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Do you want to study the bachelor’s degree of your dreams?

Do you have a great passion and desire to explore and find new paths but can’t afford the university that will let you do this? Our grant will help cover your tuition fees and other expenses. Show us how you want to advance your field.

How do I know whether a grant is right for me?

Graduates of any secondary school

can apply for a grant to study at a foreign university.

Graduates of any secondary school can apply. You can apply for fields of study in natural sciences, engineering and technology, arts and humanities. You may want to stay in Europe or explore further afield. The main factor determining whether we grant you a grant is the depth of your interest in your field and how you want to develop it.

What do we look for in students?

We look only into a few things, but we examine them thoroughly.

  • Why do you want to study in that particular field? We want to know whether you’re clear about your expectations of your studies, your research topic and its potential benefits.

  • What have you already done in your chosen field? Participation in the SPA (Students’ Professional Activities) contest, Academy of Sciences Open Science, Olympiads in relevant subjects, courses at the Centre for Talented Minds, internships at a secondary school, or your own projects. All of this counts.

  • If you plan to use the knowledge and skills you’ve acquired for the benefit of Czech society. It may sound vague, but we simply want our grant recipients to return to the Czech Republic or at least bring back what they learned while they were abroad. If you believe that studying abroad is an opportunity to bring your country to a world-class level in your field, our grants are just for you.

  • What is your financial situation? We know that studying abroad is expensive. If you cannot afford to pay for it even with the help of your family, you’ve come to the right place.

  • What are your academic results?

Can I apply for a grant for a master’s or PhD?

We award grants only for bachelor’s programmes, also called Undergraduate Study abroad.

What if I want to study in the Czech Republic?

Our main aim is to give promising Czechs an opportunity to gain some experience of the world. However, if you have studied at Open Gate Grammar School and we have already supported you with a scholarship at the school, you can also apply for a grant to study at university in the Czech Republic.

Will I get a grant for the full duration of my studies?

As long as you maintain excellent academic results and your financial situation does not change, we will support you for the entire duration of your undergraduate studies. However, you will need to reapply each year.

Does the grant cover only tuition fees or does it include other costs?

The funds you receive from us will not only help you with your tuition fees, they will also help with living costs such as rent, books and travel.

But please be aware that you are expected to raise the money you need from several sources – for example, a university grant, your family, your own savings, or grants from other institutions. Especially if you choose a university which charges higher tuition fees. We rarely award a grant that covers all possible costs.

What do you mean when you say I should use the experience I gain for the benefit of the Czech Republic?

We support students who share our values and want to move the Czech Republic forward with their work. Imagine if you could gain an international perspective and your experience would help change things for the better here. But we definitely don’t insist that everyone returns home permanently as soon as they graduate. We would love to see you spend three years working in your field in the Czech Republic or doing something that will enrich Czech society. You just need to do it within 15 years of completing all your studies (which may even include a PhD). And it doesn’t have to be a block of three years – you can spread the time out in any way you like.

What do you need to fill in?

To apply for a grant, you need to fill in our application form and provide the necessary documents. You can submit these at any time during the application process.

There are quite a few documents and some may take longer to obtain, so we recommend completing the application well in advance – preferably several weeks before the actual deadline.

Apply for a grant

How does it work?





Opening of online grant applications for new applicants

From this date on, you can fill in an online application form and upload the necessary documents.





Last day for new applicants to submit a complete application

You have until midnight to submit your application, complete with all the required attachments. 





Grant applications by existing grant holders

If you are already studying with support from our grant and would like to apply for a grant for next year, you must submit your application by 30 April.



May 2024

First round results | New applicants

We’ll let you know whether you’re one of the people we’ll be inviting for an interview in May or June.



May/June 2024

Final round | New applicants

Your interview with the Foundation’s representatives and the academic community will be pleasant but thorough and comprehensive.

by 30 June 2024

Announcement of results

We will let you know by the end of June whether we have awarded you a grant and if so, the amount.