13. 02. 2015
2 minuty čtení
Parents and prospective students can download grant and enrollment application forms from Open Gate’s website (www.opengate.cz). Completed application forms must be delivered to the school’s and the Foundation’s addresses by March 15, 2015. The admission procedure includes an aptitude test, an IQ test, and an interview.
Open Gate is one of the best rated grammar schools in the Czech Republic. A large number of its graduates pursue higher education at the world’s best universities.
Thanks to financial assistance provided by The Kellner Family Foundation, Open Gate also accepts children who, though motivated and achieving excellent academic results, would be barred by their families’ financial circumstances from developing their talents to the fullest. Approximately half of all students receive grants; in the current school year 2014/2015, 96 students have received grants totaling some CZK 50 million.
The procedure for admission to the first year of the Open Gate eight-year grammar school for the 2015/2016 school year will take place at the school in Babice near Prague on April 22 and 23, 2015. The school will accept fifth-year elementary school students.Less than half of the students pay school fees at the Open Gate private high school in Babice near Prague. Need-based and academic grants provided by The Kellner Family Foundation open the door to quality education for children regardless of their families’ financial standing. Academically gifted and motivated children can submit applications through their parents for grants when they apply to enroll at Open Gate by March 15, 2015.