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Helping Schools Succeed


Projekt Pomáháme školám k úspěchu plánuje rozšíření  do stovky veřejných základních škol

The Helping Schools Succeed project plans expansion into one hundred public primary schools

The family foundation of Mrs Renáta Kellnerová and Mr Petr Kellner has been pursuing improvement in the quality of education in public primary schools for a long time. It does so through Helping Schools Succeed, a project that to date has involved 23 primary schools from across the Czech Republic. Following ten years of the project’s successful operation in public schools, the Foundation has decided to increase the number of schools involved to about 100, which means approximately 4,000 teachers and 43,000 students. The Kellner Family Foundation has already donated a total of CZK 250 million for improving the quality of education in public primary schools and expects to provide support to the tune of approximately CZK 40 million annually.

Helping Schools Succeed


An interview with Ilona Urbanová, Director of Helping Schools Succeed

Mrs Ilona Urbanová has been the Director of Helping Schools Succeed since September 2019. She joined at a time when everyone involved in the project was looking back at the ten years of its existence and thinking about its future development and the best way to use the huge amount of experience amassed. Under her leadership, a new strategy for the project’s future direction, referred to as Helping Schools Succeed Plus, has been created in recent months. She is no newcomer to the field of education – she used to manage a private language school and also took part in founding a high school. She will certainly put her wealth of managerial experience to good use at Helping Schools Succeed. We asked her about her first impressions and the direction she will steer the project in along with her team of teaching experts in the years to come.

Helping Schools Succeed


Long-term evaluation of Helping Schools Succeed project in publicly funded primary schools: eight out of ten teachers are proud of their profession

The Helping Schools Succeed project is now in its tenth year of publicly funded primary schools. The long-term plan for improving educational standards and teachers’ professional development was initiated by the family foundation of Mrs Renáta Kellnerová and Mr Petr Kellner, which has contributed approximately CZK 37 million a year to the project over the last few years. According to a survey carried out in collaboration with experts from the Institute for Research and Development of Education at Charles University’s Faculty of Education, 91% of teachers from schools involved in the project are satisfied with their profession and 81% are proud of their profession. The survey confirmed that professional training for teachers is more effective when implemented directly in schools; the result is greater motivation and self-confidence among teachers.

Helping Schools Succeed


Helping Schools Succeed is improving instruction for more than 8,700 pupils of government primary schools by educating their teachers

The Helping Schools Succeed project has stepped into the tenth academic year, which is the first year under the leadership of its new director, Mrs Eva Lokšová. The 2018/19 school year will be marked by additional qualitative changes at the 22 public primary schools involved in the project. More than 800 teachers and more than 8,700 pupils will receive pedagogical and financial support this year. The project’s key issues include the development of reading and of reading and critical literacy, and formative assessment. The family foundation of Mrs Renáta Kellnerová and Mr Petr Kellner initiated the Helping Schools Succeed project and has been financing it since 2009.

Helping Schools Succeed


The Third Summer School of Reading for teachers opens in Brno on 12 August

The third edition of the Summer School, organised by the readership promotion team of the Helping Schools Succeed project, will open on Sunday 12 August 2018. The workshops of this year’s Summer School of Reading will take place at the Orea Resort Santon on the Brno Dam until Friday 17 August 2018. Some 120 teachers from more than 45 primary schools from the whole of the Czech Republic will participate in 20 programme streams over those six days. The workshops will be led by 26 lecturers, most of whom are teachers and head teachers from the field, plus two university teachers and four teaching specialists who are not active teachers.

Helping Schools Succeed


What’s important are skills, not knowledge

What’s most important isn’t knowing everything, but being able to discuss things, says JANA KOPECKÁ, the first-ever winner of the Global Teacher Prize Czech Republic. She’s been teaching the junior years at Kunratice Primary School in Prague for thirty years now, and one of the things she talks about is how the education system has changed during this time.

Helping Schools Succeed


How to improve the quality of the Czech school system and how to motivate teachers; this was the topic for professionals in the panel discussion during the Festival of Teaching Inspiration

For the third time, the Festival of Teaching Inspiration has successfully taken place at the Kunratice Elementary School .

Helping Schools Succeed


For the third time, the Festival of Teaching Inspiration has successfully taken place at the Kunratice Elementary School

The traditional Festival of Teaching Inspiration organized by Helping Schools Succeed took place in the Kunratice Elementary School on 10 and 11 November 2017; in all, 780 teachers from all over the Czech Republic attended 130 workshops there. For the first time ever the Festival also offered a panel discussion on systemic changes conducive to improvements in the quality of teaching and learning. The Kunratice Elementary School is one of the first schools involved in the Helping Schools Succeed project run by The Kellner Family Foundation.

Helping Schools Succeed


A special issue of the Critical Literacy journal, titled Kritická gramotnost Speciál 2017

The printed version of a special issue of the journal has just been issued; elementary schools across the Czech Republic will receive copies from us free of charge.

Helping Schools Succeed


Hana Košťálová appearing on the Studio ČT24 show

On Friday, September 8, the Czech Television Studio ČT24 show discussed the topic of the International Literacy Day. It featured Project Director of Pomáháme školám k úspěchu [Helping Schools Succeed], Hana Košťálová, who spoke about illiteracy both globally and in the Czech Republic, about developing reading literacy and critical literacy, and about the experiences gained from the Helping Schools Succeed project.

Helping Schools Succeed


Studio ČT24 - International Literacy Day

On Friday, September 8, the Czech Television Studio ČT24 show discussed the topic of the International Literacy Day. It featured Project Director of Pomáháme školám k úspěchu [Helping Schools Succeed], Hana Košťálová, who spoke about illiteracy both globally and in the Czech Republic, about developing reading literacy and critical literacy, and about the experiences gained from the Helping Schools Succeed project.

Helping Schools Succeed


Czech Television Sama doma show

Education consultant Leona Mechúrová spoke on the Czech Television Sama doma [Home Alone] show about how to help children develop a love for reading, which, in our experience in the Helping Schools Succeed project, helps both teachers and parents when developing the child’s reading skills or in teaching them critical thinking.

Helping Schools Succeed


Instructional coach Leona Mechúrová appeared on the Czech Television Sama doma show

Education consultant Leona Mechúrová spoke on the Czech Television Sama doma [Home Alone] show about how to help children develop a love for reading, which, in our experience in the Helping Schools Succeed project, helps both teachers and parents when developing the child’s reading skills or in teaching them critical thinking.