03. 12. 2015
3 minuty čtení
I’ve picked 4 different courses in economics: Intermediate Microeconomics, Economics of State and Local Government, Corporate Finance and Economics of Gender. I also decided to do a small course overload and add Advanced Business German to the mix. This should put me well on the track of finishing my Economics degree on time, while also allowing me to get closer to a German minor.
All of the classes which I’ve chosen examine interesting subjects, but my favorite subject of this quarter is by far the Gender Economics class. It is taught by a young Spanish professor who has done research in the field and is very knowledgeable about the topic in general. We are taught the basic microeconomic tools that are used to examine the problem of Economics of Gender and discrimination. We also discuss a lot of research on the topic and the findings that are presented to us are left to our own interpretation. This is probably one of the reasons why it feels so great to be a part of this class, the professor makes it clear what her opinion is, but is open to discussion and encourages you to find the limitations of the findings she presents.
I have also been deeply involved with the hockey team this quarter. I was determined to make the most out of my last season of competitive hockey. However, it wouldn’t be me if my body let me do it, and so about a month ago, I dislocated my shoulder again and had to withdraw from playing for the year of 2015. Until then however, our season was going amazingly well, as our team this year was joined by a few very talented guys. Right now we actually have 8 injured players on our roster and are waiting for most of us to recover to be able to start winning again.
Right now my classes have ended for this quarter and I am in the middle of our “reading week” which gives students the opportunity to study up on all of the concepts they have been taught before the chaos of exam week starts. I hope that I will be able to make it through all of my exams with decent results and then it’s off to home for winter break. Actually, his winter break I will probably be home for only a few days – my roommates from Chennai and Mumbai have invited me to spend winter break with them in India. Hopefully everything will go well and I will finally get to see the home country of the best friends that I’ve made here in the USA.