The first exam period in my life

“When you’re in university you’ll see – your exam period will be like several school-leaving exams at once. You really don’t need to be afraid of this school-leaving exam.”

So I was afraid of the Open Gate school-leaving exam and of my first university exams too. I cannot say my fears were groundless – they drive me. After a few weeks, the potential failed test feeling will give way to relief and new energy, and the exam period will be over. A new semester, new subjects and new dedication.

In my second paragraph, allow me a shout-out to my Open Gate schoolmates and friends. The OG Christmas Dinner, a New Year’s reunion of graduates and teachers and the graduation ball of this year’s eighth-year students are just a few of the occasions where I was able to see the folks who influenced and helped form me in high school for seven years. I would like to greet everyone, voice my thanks for this opportunity and wish everyone strength and energy in the second quarter of 2017.

So what do I study anyway? In the next semester, I will be focusing on the history of international politics, the history of ancient and medieval political thinking, international relations, constitutional law, Euro-American relations, and political marketing. It may not seem so but these are very interesting topics that, along with the other topics in Political Science and International Relations, are important for our history, present and of course future as well. CEVRO Institute is a higher education institution that has been fulfilling 100% of my expectations.

As far as the student life in the heart of Europe, that is to say in the City of Prague, is concerned – it’s just great! Prague has already been attacked by temperatures above freezing point, and that’s good for me! I am ready to finally start jogging, I have started swimming in the Olšanka pool, and my dream of working out regularly with a coach will hopefully become a reality soon. Aside from the academic and business side of life, which I enjoy to the max, no one should forget about health!

I understood really quickly that the life of a university student truly offers many opportunities. To avoid misunderstanding, let me add that this is exactly the time when we have to be careful not to miss the best opportunities. This is OUR TIME!

Take care, and see you next time. I wish you a successful day.


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