Second first impression

Even though this year is my second at the University of Aberdeen, it does not mean that there are no new challenges. I could write about my, frankly quite difficult, studies and my extracurricular activities, but the biggest step so far was arranging my first flat.

It was obvious at the end of the last semester that getting a flat will not be that easy. We viewed some flats with my friends in March, but before we could find the right one for us, the covid restrictions appeared. With some effort and many online viewings as well as emails we finally found one at the beginning of August and so we had a place where we could spend our two weeks of quarantine after arriving in September. I was hoping all the complications would end then, but it was just a wishful thinking. Fairly soon after moving in we have found out that our boiler is quite temperamental, and it provides hot water or turns on the heaters only when it feels like doing so. We also had to get begrudgingly accept a quarantine without internet and cope with confusing letters from our electricity and gas providers. Thankfully, by the end of our isolation everything was solved, and the school has started.

This semester so far seems to be much more challenging than the previous one. Maybe it is the online teaching, or perhaps spending most of the time in my room. My chair losing a wheel and the day, when my door handle broke exactly when I wanted to make a lunch, did not help much either. That is why I am thankful for my flatmates, with whom we procrastinate by watching TV series and films, playing card games, or ordering take-out on regular basis.

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