About half of the people in my year finished their degree this summer because a fourth year is not on offer in Oxford in their area. But this is not the case of maths. On the contrary, in our subject, many people have arrived, because our department has decided to admit new students into the master’s programme in a special mode called Oxford Master in Mathematical Sciences. Hence I have tens of new classmates and friends. I have also left the junior student body or Junior Common Room as we call it. And instead, I have become a member of the Middle Common Room. This means, that at lunch I sit at the corresponding table and so usually with PhD students.
In addition, I practically no longer live in college as it has been the last three years. Instead, I have moved out together with other students to a house owned by college off campus. There are seven of us in the house, but friends often make visits, so I almost forget who actually lives here. In recent years, I lived very close to the lectures. But surprisingly this year I am even closer.
A lot has changed this year and the question is, what I can expect. If I do not stay in Oxford, much more will change still. But nothing is decided and it is possible that I will continue here with my doctoral studies. But I am also interested in other places in Britain, in Europe and in the world.