Late writting – Priorities

All decisions we make about what is going to happen in our lives depend on us and also depend on the belief we have in terms of making it happen. Anything is possible, if we want it to happen.

After the great experience I had last year in Panama and then Barcelona, I have come back to Chester with a certain personal vision. I started to make and do things so that I, at first, would be truly happy with making and doing them. It started to happen and I felt like people around me were also happy and comfortable. We all depend on each other in certain ways. Sometimes we may feel judged, followed, loved. In every way, what happens is that we tend to do things more for other people than for ourselves. It can lead to stop believing in ourselves and our ideas in life will stop making sense. 

When something has a certain limit it doesn‘t mean that it ends there. Limit, for me, means a border which creates my decisions. My personal limit has changed completely in those past 3 months from the limits I used to have in past years and months. My attitude towards new information has changed as well as the attitude towards my personal life. I must say I‘m enjoying it very much. I have never thought I would be able to have two jobs together with school, well, with the University. There has always been a! I cannot do that I will not have the time and so on. And right at this moment I started to perceive and realize what time means to me and to what extend I can work with it and appreciate what it offers me. I started to work in a Spanish shop Zara in the centre of Chester as a retail assistant.

There I began to understand the ways of selling a product, how to take the delivery and communicated with the Spanish head office. And because I have always loved the bar work, I work in a new lovely bar/restaurant called The Church, where we specialize on a big variation of coctails and amazing food. I really enjoy working in both of these jobs as much as I enjoy the modules which I‘m studying this year. Spanish is an amazing language which never stops surprising me and fulfils me with its exoticism. This year we are also focusing on hispano-america, the drug cartel situation in Mexico and nuclear energy in Spain. Dancing has also never been more amusing. I am working on a dance film this year and also on a choreography of my own piece. I also do yoga which became my biggest hobby.

Time is very precious for me, but I also like to forget about it sometimes when I walk by the river and watch our swans when I have a free evening.    

At the moment I am very looking forwards to go to the Czech Republic. It will be lovely to switch off and enjoy some free time with my friends and family. I wish you all have a wonderful Christmas and lots of love in 2014!


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