Last post written in Europe for this year

I get up in the morning and, prior to getting scalded with tea, I wonder where all the children and the neighbors’ cars have gone. Ah, it’s holiday time. Maybe it’s good that the relaxation mode has yet to seize me; I could probably sleep all through the holidays.

I get up in the morning and, prior to getting scalded with tea, I wonder where all the children and the neighbors’ cars have gone. Ah, it’s holiday time. Maybe it’s good that the relaxation mode has yet to seize me; I could probably sleep all through the holidays.

Yes, I’m very busy. But I have on average one ice cream a day; you just have to. The weather that I welcomed with such glee back home in Bohemia begs for some cooling off, and not just in the form of grabbing some chocolate ice cream, but also swimming pools and festivals – but, for me, it’s all about the sweet treats this year. Before plunging into the beginning of holidays and talking about what awaits during and after, let me tell you about my last month at the University of Chester.

My last days in Chester were somewhat hectic, but I should add that they were definitely the best times that I’ve had here. My exams were over, I was waiting for the results, and I had plenty of time to work and build up a little nest egg for the holidays. We also had to vacate our little house and clean up, as another four girls are moving in for the summer. Saying goodbye was hard, because I may never see some members of our group again. The reasons include the fact that I’m flying to Honduras for five months in September, and right after that to the sunny Spain for 4 months. It may sound like holidays, but it’s not the case at all. I would have to go to a Spanish-speaking country anyway since I study Spanish. I could choose between studying at a university in Spain and working anywhere they would hire me, provided that I would be exposed to Spanish 100% of the time, but since I love adventure and real travelling, I opted for Honduras, having assessed the financial side of things. CZK 100 equals roughly 99 Honduran lempira, and prices in Honduras are similar to the Czech Republic. In Honduras, I will volunteer at a local school and children’s shelter. I will speak Spanish to children all day, and then speak English after work to a friend who is coming with me. A perfect combination. At any rate, I said goodbye to Chester with a tear in my eye, and I can’t wait to reunite with the university and my friends in 2013.

And now that holidays are here, I have a lot of arranging to do. I need a passport, some vaccinations, and some hot weather clothes. Business is good, which is why I took up work in the forest in South Bohemia, caring for little trees and animals. I am teaching dance at a camp in Písek July 16 to 20, so there’ll be a lot of fun. I’m flying to Honduras from Heathrow Airport, and I will go there in late August. I’m looking forward a lot.

So have a fantastic time folks, and enjoy your holidays (for me). I’ll get back to you soon from Central America. Adios!

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