Goodbye Canada, hello Denmark!

Together with the ending of 2017, my study program of Global Supply Chain and Logistic Management, when I spent a semester at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in Chinese Shenzhen and a semester at the University of British Columbia in Canadian Vancouver, was coming to the end as well.

During my semester in Canada, I was a member of a voluntary team, where I worked together with four other students as an external consultant for a social enterprise. Our client was a house which provided subsidized accommodation for out-of-town families of children who require care at nearby hospitals. However, the house has not operated financially self-sustainable during the recent years, and therefore, we came up with a new financial scheme and provided ideas how to close service gaps to gain a bigger customer base. This experience was one of the best during my bachelor studies as I confirmed to myself that I would like to work as a consultant for non-profit and NGO organizations in the future.
Before we had our final exams in Canada, we went for a weekend study retreat with my whole class a bit further from Vancouver. The main event was a case competition. This time we had 24 hours to solve the problem in a group of four people. The topic was supply chains of NGOs during natural disasters. After three hours of sleep, we successfully presented our findings, however, we did not win.
After our return back to Vancouver, the hardest part of the semester began: handing in all my final reports and preparation for the final reports. This period was slightly unusual for me, as in Copenhagen, we always have only two exams after seven weeks of lectures and no side assignments. And suddenly, I had five final reports and five final exams. However, the last two weeks went by fast and my program had after our last final exam also our closing ceremony. During moments like these, one must look back to last year and a half of the program. And I must say, it was the most amazing year and a half of my entire life. I gained new knowledge not only in academic spheres but also in the cultural one and I made not only important network contacts but most importantly friends all over the world.
Saying goodbye was incredibly hard and from freezing Vancouver I got back to very similarly freezing Copenhagen. I am finishing my bachelor degree back at my mother university Copenhagen Business School with two more subjects to go and starting to write my bachelor theses. I chose Innovation in Global Cities as a topic for my bachelor thesis. Besides, I am still deciding where to continue for my master studies. And if you are in the same situation like me, when you do not know which program to choose, at which university and in which country, I feel with you because I know very well how hard it is. 

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