End of third Semester!

This semester saw a conclusion to Medical Biology (mainly genetics) and Histology, Embryology and Developmental biology combined. Two incredible courses that are prerequisite to immunology/Medical genetics and pathology respectively.

Another course was Nursing which gave us insight to our clinical years. This semester we visited the ICU and Orthopedics departments. However, ICU was not new to us since it was introduced to us in the previous semester but orthopedics was. This departments deals with complete traumatology of musculoskeletal systems for both children and adults considering the fact that FN Motol is a pediatric hospital. Our department vastly specializes in surgical treatment for neurogenic disorders, repair of congenital musculoskeletal system and malignances among other highly specific routines. Moreover, the department is also research orientated in degenerative cartilage disorders whereby they use both conservative and surgical methods for children and adults. We were fortunate to be introduced to this department in our fortnightly visits to the hospital.

Additionally, we had carried out clinical experiments in Biochemistry and Physiology. In biochemistry we tried to determine the activity and michaelis constant of LDH in cardiomyocytes of patient suffering from lactic acidosis. Similarly in physiology we were introduced to cardiac, respiratory and renal tests. This gave us an overview of the complex procedures done by physicians as well as lab technicians. It also enabled us to intermarry the theoretical and clinical aspects of medicine.

Besides school, I am an active member of AIMS (Association of International Medical Students) as well as IFMSA (International Federation of Medical Students’ Association) whereby we tackle issues such as health, social or community related both locally and abroad. Activities may include HIV/STD, diabetes awareness and education. Additionally, we volunteer and raise money for charity/ health organizations in Prague.

Finally, in the upcoming semester, only one new course will be introduced to my curriculum-medical microbiology. This course basically deals with prevention, diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases. Looking forward to more practical and laboratory procedures in Motol Hospital.


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