Non-stereotypic stereotypes of my life,

from the moment I wake up until I'm tired around five:

Being grateful for the sunshine and the new morning,

About things that I still didn't finish, I'm not mourning,

Trying to ignore the silhouette of Mount Blanc made of clothes,

Why my boyfriend didn't put the food back to the fridge no-one knows.


On Mondays, I'm rushing to work, on Tuesdays to school,

Finishing my homework in the subway and staying cool.

Oh no, my papers got stuck in the subway door,

Fellow travelers pierce me with their eyes - this is a horror.

That's how my life goes, I declare,

There's no reason for a loud swear.


I'm greeting men selling a charitable magazine who always smile,

On either subway stop, they send instant happiness in a while.

Composing e-mails at work is sometimes more demanding than an essay,

Deadlines all around my head, everything should be done by today.

I'm coming home with a timer instead of my head,

Taking the ice-cream and eating it in my bed.

I tell to myself that the next morning, “I will go for a run” -


I'm so optimistic with the sugar in my blood after the ice-cream is done.

I wake up at 9 am, saliva dripping on my pillow,

I panic when I see there's a bright day from my window.

So, no thanking for a new sunny morning now,

My annoyed cat says what she thinks with a loud “meow”.

Trying to ignore the silhouette of Mount Everest made of dishes,

Who will tell me if this mess ever vanishes?







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