28. 02. 2020
1 minuta čtení
So I’m looking at university programs again.. I remember being at high school 2 years ago in my final year, making the same decision. But now it feels a bit more easy. Back than I was so stressed about making a wrong choice, but there are probably no wrong choices. Thanks to this choice I made, when I was 18, I know that I should focus also on something what feels a bit more like me. Something more creative. I’ve been neglecting my creative part of myself for a long time and it reflected mainly when it comes to my mood and mental health. So I decided that I should make something from a creative field my duty, so that I can’t postpone it again.
Otherwise this semester at CEVRO Institut went smoothly. Lots of subjects which appeared to be scary at first sight, happened to be those, I enjoyed the most. Life was really busy again and I often found myself running between school and work like crazy, but it turned out fine at the end and all of my exams were successful. The only challenge I set myself for next term, is to be more focused and learn how to concentrate and ignore all the distractions of the modern world.