Future Life Step to Adulthood

At the end of January, I finished my Erasmus stay in France and it was time to return to my home country.

My feelings about going back were mixed. On one side, I was happy to see my family and friends. On the other side, I was sad to leave my new home, new friends… I couldn’t stay in France for longer – I have to graduate in a few months, so I packed my things and got on the road. “À TOUT À L'HEURE”

The first days in the Czech Republic, I felt like a visitor. I wasn’t able to speak Czech fluently and my thinking was in English or French. It took me a while to adopt to Czech environment. My school is now more challenging because I am waiting for my credits and marks from France and I am finishing and catching up on subjects which I missed due to Erasmus. I do extra assignments from them to be able to gain credits and finish my master’s. I spend most my time with my head buried in books.

Recently, I have read about the subject Law and Ethics in Communication I got to know that ‘overall perception of marketing has not really been a positive one in society’. (Khosro S. Jahdi, 2012) I knew about its dubious honour and that it is criticized, but thanks to the reading I explored a new view. Ethics and CSR (corporate social responsibilities) strategies are becoming a necessity for companies to formulate and implement. The reason for this development can be found in Stephen Green statement: “….economic progress has not been accompanied by expected increase in happiness.” Marketing potential which can help solve this matter should not be overlooked. Marketing should be in hand with Ethics and CSR of companies. However, those inroads are exception rather than the rule. I suggest to change it and see the possibilities of cooperation marketers on Ethics and CSR strategies. One way to change the public perception of marketing can be the endorsement and support major NGOs (non-profit organization).

I ran away from my life to my critical thinking. It is probably caused by me being in the process of writing my diploma thesis which is related to NGOs and public perception of their advertisement. I read and write during most of my free time now. I love my topic of thesis, but it is challenging…

I miss the French way of life. I think I will return there after my graduation. Even now, I am still using French regularly, but it is not the same. I only read my materials for my thesis in French as I am comparing French and Czech SOS Children’s Villages and their advertisement. Now I am becoming part of the Czech Republic again, so I will do my best to enjoy my last few months here.

What will be the next stop in my life? England or France? Right now, that is written in the stars. It depends on outcomes of several different applications to traineeships I found and was interested in.  My following life steps will be guided by their acceptance or denial. I wish to move to France, so I will do maximum to reach my dream destination.

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