Fast decisions are a key to success

Despite the fear, tension and oncoming dates of my exams, I have managed to complete the first semester at the First Faculty of medicine on Charles University. The most difficult exam I faced this semester was a biophysics exam. This exam is nonetheless considered to be the easiest one of the exams this year, compared to the anatomy and histology exams, which I am to have in the following semester.

The most alluring experience of this semester has been the use of the university system, SIS, which students use to sign up for the forthcoming courses and exams. Every exam has a specific date and time, when a person is able to sign in, and with such an immense amount of students (500) applying for the same exam, it becomes increasingly difficult to get in, given the limited number of available spaces for students (15) for each session. It was 9:59 in the morning and I was mentally and physically preparing for mayhem which was to occur at 10:00. I have clutched the mouse with a vision of other 500 students waiting for the same moment to sign in. The time has come and there were 9 spaces already taken. I rapidly clicked the “sign up” button, and to my surprise, I was one of the 15 lucky students. Despite the luck, I still needed to succeed. After a number of sleepless nights and a crisis before a big test every student knows quite well, I surprisingly passed the exam without any struggles. Rest of this semester’s exams and subjects was fairly simple, as I have not encountered any greater issues in my studies.

Because it is important to do sports to complement the studies, we are taking mandatory P.E. classes, which aim to cover the spectrum of all sports. These sports include floorball, football, swimming or aerobic. The most surprising discovery regarding sports has been aerobic, as I have always perceived it as a boring sport for women serving only one purpose, stretching. This perception has been quickly turned around, as it was actually quite physically demanding.
The most dramatic change which occurred in the first semester took place when I moved from the university dormitories to a student flat. There were many reasons for the change, including more space, privacy and a better environment for my studies, as well as a faster transportation to my university (only 15 minutes).

I am to face multiple difficult exams in the second semester, such as anatomy or histology, and also quite a few exams one would consider absurd or relatively easy, which include IT or latin. In the first few weeks of the second semester I am also to visit dissection rooms for the second time, this time focusing on the organs of human body.

Medicine is considered to be one of the most difficult and challenging courses, however, I am trying to remain optimistic, despite various stress factors connected to it. Path to knowledge and understanding of human body may be difficult, but it has and will have immense benefits to both the one studying it as well as the people who will need assistance in the future in the fields of medicine.


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