Back to Scotland, with new year and new strength

My plans for the last few days I was to spent at home were clear – do some studying for my upcoming exams. The New Year, however, showed me quite fast, that I cannot do that with so many „long-time-no-see“ friends around and other, more interesting plans on my agenda.

Therefore I have, instead of studying, not only enjoyed the company of my friends and the time off but I also helped organizing some fundraising events and some events involving talks about my travels and experience in Asia.  I still help and work/volunteer for the foundation I worked with last year in Africa, at the moment we are planning on doing more and new projects, which will hopefully be managed solely by locals in the area. Thus apart of helping them, I also tried to find some new projects for myself and the upcoming summer, hopefully I can join and help again, this time to different people on different place.

This year I became 3rd year student, in Scotland that means not many lectures and too much of unexpected free time. Therefore during the first few weeks, I couldn’t think of anything else than joining different activities and positions at the University. On top of that, after two-hours long interview I was offered my new dream job – Support worker, in an organization that works with people with learning disabilities, mental illness or for example epilepsy or autism.  So I became not only a regular student at the University, but also Class representative for 3rd year students of Sociology and International Relations, Vice President of Students Activities,  something like “cook-for-every-occasion-and-event”, as always, volunteer in Bookends, our University second-hand bookshop and working student. Only when I start working I realized how big the city of Aberdeen is. During the last semester I met not only many interesting students, but also people like Roger, guy with autism, who only drinks tea when out and coffee when at home and Lauren, girl of my age with severe epilepsy and many other, very interesting people, whose life is not always easy in today’s busy and competitive society. Thanks to my job I not only get to know my city much better, as I have to commune and visit all the people at their homes, but also those interesting people. I learn something new every day, not only about them, but also about how our not-yet-fully-understood brain works.

In the evenings, to relax and slow down a little, I started to do some yoga and I also joint our group meditation at the university. All this reminds me not only my summer adventure in Tibet but also my year abroad in Hong Kong. Time flies fast and I am always trying to take something from each experience. We should hurry up slowly, because then the life taste better.

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