Another term is here

2018, first term of my university studies and my first exams are finally over. Luckily I managed to do all my exams right at the beginning so I had pretty long holidays after that, during which I focused mainly on drawing, writing and other creative activities I’ve been missing and didn’t have time for. Two weeks of the second semester have passed and I already know that this term is going to be a bit more difficult.

The first sign why, is my schedule, since I have to wake up every school day (monday - wednesday) around 6 am and I come back home from school around 9 pm. On one hand I should be probably happy that I have school only for 3 days in a week, but on the other hand, the days are really demanding and tiring. Another sign by which I can assume what the term is going to be like is the amount of work. And the last sign is the number of subjects I have to attend. Compared to the previous term, I chose few optional subjects and one of the reasons was that I wanted to have some subjects in english in order to refresh my memory after leaving Open Gate. So far I must say that all of my subjects are really interesting and compared to the previous semester they are a bit more related to my field of study.

During some free time after the exams I spent a lot of time with my friends and family. I went to see some concerts of my favorite musicians and just tried to relax and get some energy before the next term. I hope everything will go as smooth as it has been so far.

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