I was born in Plzeň, but I lived with my family in California from the age of three; my mother homeschooled me until the 8th grade. The transition to the Czech school system at the age of 13 was quite difficult initially, but eventually I plowed through the system to reach the Plzeň Grammar School at Mikulášské nám. 23. The four years I spent at this institution taught me well, and the range of my interests broadened considerably, perhaps also thanks to them. The teachers let me visit a number of contests and ‘Olympiads’, which spurred my interest in biology, chemistry and even English. As early as the end of my second year there I resolved that I would seek to study biological sciences in an English-speaking country.
Now, enjoying the support provided by The Kellner Family Foundation, I can attend the University of Glasgow in Scotland. The university offers much more than classes, though: a broad range of sports and music clubs, volunteering opportunities and, eventually, a number of study programs for successful students, which I hope will be lucky enough to join. After graduation, I would like to continue in research, thereby helping the next and maybe also today’s generation.
The Plzeň Grammar School, Mikulášské nám. 23, Czech Republic, graduated in 2016
The University of Glasgow, U.K., beginning 2016
I would like to graduate in a sub-discipline of biochemistry at a university outside the Czech Republic, ideally achieving at least a master’s degree, and to continue to do music, sports and travelling while at school.
Playing the flute and piano, literature, drawing, and cooking.