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Ondřej Zíka

Our grant holder 2012 – 2014

High school

Townshend International School, Hluboká nad Vltavou


California Institute of Technology, University of Aberystwyth

Field of study

Psychologie a neruekonomie


I hail from the most beautiful town in our country (everybody knows it, and if you don’t, just rotate the auditorium and jump into the River Vltava from the tower), and I’m duly proud of it. Currently, however, I stay there only when in the Czech Republic for a moment, since I have been studying in my second year at the University of Aberystwyth, Wales, in the UK.

Prior to progressing to university abroad, I studied at Český Krumlov High School at first (now everybody knows I’m sure) and then the Townshend International School, which offered me a unique opportunity to crown my high school studies with both a graduation exam and the British CIE exams (the A-levels).

The admission to university in the UK and studies there opened up an unprecedented range of possibilities for me, so I decided to extend my studies after my second year and spend a year doing a research internship at Stanford University in the US. It is famed for two reasons: 1) It has played a key role in the world of technology – key technology firms such as HP, Apple, Google, Youtube and other were born there. 2) It was home of one of the best known psychology experiments of all times, the Stanford Prison Study. Its renown for psychology and neuroscience was key for helping me decide where to go on my one-year internship.


2005 - 2010 Townshend International School (graduation exam + Cambridge A-levels)


2010 - 2014 Aberystwyth University, UK, Psychology and Marketing, UK


2012 - 2013 one-year research internship at the California Institute of Technology, USA



My long-term goal is to push the boundaries of our society’s knowledge, primarily in my field of course. More specifically, I want to found a company specializing in the utilization of theoretical knowledge in neurology in practice - in medicine, communication, trade, etc.


I have taken a long-term interest in almost everything about human thought. Quite logically, then, my primary interests include psychology and neuroscience, as well as psychiatry and, more recently, quantum physics. I am fascinated by the complexity and perfection with which the brain works and creates subjective reality. I currently focus on neuroeconomy, which in essence studies the biological aspects of the processes subject to human decisions. In addition, I actively pursue music, namely playing guitar and composing. And, more as a hobby though, I cooperate with several online firms in marketing activities and social media administration.

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