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Jana Štybnarová

Project Consultant, 8th Primary School, Most

She graduated as a teacher for the first stage (age 6 to 10) of elementary schools from the Faculty of Education of Charles University in Prague and worked as an elementary school teacher. Later, she worked at the Ministry of Education, focusing on evaluation, including the OPEC Quality I and Quality II projects (OPEC = the EU’s Operational Program Education for Competitiveness). She co-managed the Road to Quality project focusing on school self-evaluation. She also acted as a self-evaluation counselor. She completed a course in systemic supervision and coaching. She is a Critical Thinking teacher. In Helping Schools Succeed, she worked as an instructional coach at Zdice Elementary School, helping the 37 local teachers develop. Since 2017 she works as an instructional coach at 8. Elementary School in Most.

She has two children. Her hobbies include travel, literature and sports (tennis, fitness training, swimming, hiking, cycling, and skiing).