03. 11. 2015
2 minuty čtení
Almost 500 registered teachers and other guests will attend the Festival of Teaching Inspiration. They are the teachers from the schools involved in the Helping Schools Succeed project and other elementary schools from all over the Czech Republic as well as representatives of various specialized institutions. The main goal of the Festival is to give teachers practical tips for teaching and foster opportunities for mutual learning and experience sharing.
The Festival is based on the well-tried “teachers for teachers” policy. Participants can experience more than 90 hands-on workshops on various topics, conducted by teachers from schools involved in Helping Schools Succeed and other experienced instructors. The hottest topics include developing reading skills, co-teaching and peer support, teaching math using Professor Hejný’s method, teaching foreign languages, inquiry-based approach to specialized subjects, and workshops on personality and social education of children.
“The first edition of the Festival held last year met with a great response from teachers and schools. Czech teachers welcome the opportunity to discuss issues with colleagues and try out new teaching methods in practice under the guidance of experienced instructors,” says Hana Košťálová, Program Director of Helping Schools Succeed, adding that the number of teachers accredited this year is double that in 2014.
Experts from Helping Schools Succeed, a project of The Kellner Family Foundation, together with the Kunratice Elementary School organize the Festival. Participation is free of charge. Helping Schools Succeed runs under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic.
An illustrative video from last year’s first edition of the Festival of Teaching Inspiration is available at http://www.kellnerfoundation.cz/pomahame-skolam-k-uspechu/projektove-skoly/spolupracujici-skoly