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Cookies Policy

Your privacy

We use cookies to give you the best possible user experience of our website. These cookies may include information directly about you, your individual preferences or the device you are using. However, as a rule, the individual items of information contained in cookies do not allow us to identify you directly, they only enable us to provide you with a better experience of our website. Because we respect your right to privacy, all types of cookie are disabled (unless strictly necessary). To use certain types of cookie, you must enable them in the “Cookie Settings” menu. By doing so, you give us your consent to use them. For more information and to change the default cookie settings, click on the header of each cookie type. Blocking certain types of cookie may adversely affect your user experience of the website. For more detailed information about how we process your personal data in the form of cookies, please see the “More Information” section.

You will also need to create a cookie to save the options you have selected in the “Cookie Settings” menu. This has two consequences:

If you delete all cookies in your internet browser, you will have to set your preferences for our website again; and

If you switch to a different device or browser, you will also need to let us know your preferences again.

If you wish to change your cookie settings, please visit the “Cookie Settings” page via the link in the website’s footer.


The Kellner Family Foundation, registered at Evropská 2690/17, 160 41, Praha 6, as the administrator, will process your personal data as described below.

The purpose and lawful basis for processing

During your visit to our website, we collect and process personal data about you in the form of your IP address and information about how you navigate our website. We process your personal data to identify you as a returning visitor to our website, analyse the behaviour of visitors to our website, and improve communication and the structure of our website. We only process your personal data if you have given us your consent to do so by enabling individual types of cookie.

The lawful bases for processing your personal data, as described above, are legitimate interests on the part of the administrator (only necessary cookie categories) and consent to processing your personal data (other cookies). You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. You may also refuse our use of these cookies. If you would like to contact us about this data or other personal data that we may process relating to you, please see “Your rights and our contact information” below.

Disclosure / Recipients of your personal data

Your personal data will be disclosed to our partners, i.e. the external administrators of our website, Google (traffic analysis using Google Analytics) and partners working with us on our marketing campaigns. These partners will process your personal data for the purposes specified above.

Retention period

We will retain your personal data for a maximum of one (1) year after your last visit to our website or until you remove the cookies from your web browser.

Third-party cookies may be retained for longer than one year. For more information, please visit the websites of our collaborating partners.

Your rights and our contact information

If you would like more information about your rights in relation to the processing of your personal data or if you would like to make a complaint, please go HERE or visit for our contact details.