Do you know of an exceptionally bright child whose family lacks the support or money they need to provide a quality education? Help them get a scholarship that covers their education, accommodation, uniform, clubs and meals at Open Gate. If you get in touch in time, our Foundation will also help them get ready for the entrance exams.
For children from disadvantaged backgrounds, this is not easy. They can be more withdrawn and lack the support and space needed to cultivate their strengths. But if you see a glimmer of curiosity and academic talent, don’t be afraid to get in touch. A Foundation staff member will be happy to talk to you. They will meet the child in person and discuss everything with you on the spot.
We will be happy to ask one of our students or graduates to come and talk to the child about studying at Open Gate and how they themselves dealt with adversity. A visit by someone who has had the same or similar experiences in life and is slightly older always works best.
Of course, the entrance exams are equally challenging for all students. This is one of the reasons why we have enjoyed a long-standing partnership with Populo School tutors, who offer individually tailored tutoring. Children have nothing but praise for them, and many of our students say that they got into the school partly because the tutors were so thorough in preparing them.
Absolutely. Children from different backgrounds enriching each other is something that Open Gate builds on. Since the school was established in 2005, 58 students from children’s homes and foster care have studied here, 169 from single-parent families, and 130 from two-parent households in difficult financial circumstances. Our scholarship opens doors for these children to receive a truly top-quality education and then perhaps continue their studies at university.
Since Open Gate is an eight-year grammar school, pupils normally join us after completing Year 5 of primary school. Applications to prima (the first year of grammar school) must be submitted by 1 March when the child is in Year 5. If you think your child will need help to prepare for the entrance exams, feel free to contact us even sooner when they are in Year 4 or in the first semester of Year 5.
If you come across an academically gifted child who is too old to enter the first year (prima), they can join a higher year at Open Gate. But this is only possible if the school has a vacancy. In this case, a non-routine admissions procedure applies.
Of course. One of the main purposes of a grammar school is for students to continue to university to study their dream subject. The Foundation also offers grants for university students to help them cover the costs of their studies even if they choose to study at a more expensive university abroad. If someone has talent and passion, lack of money should not stand in the way of their dreams. For Open Gate graduates, we also offer a special grant to study at a Czech university.
The most important thing you can do is contact a Foundation staff member as soon as possible. They will help you to sort out everything related to the scholarship. They will meet the child and get to know their family situation. They will also advise you on the application process so you can handle all the paperwork with ease.